Wednesday, May 11, 2011


10 May 2011

This is a lazy day. Traveling from Ticonderoga to Burlington VT only about 60 miles so I stayed in the motel part of the morning working on the blog and departed heading north. Just above Ticonderoga there used to be a bridge over Lake Champlaine into VT but the bridge had deteriorated so badly they blew it up and are starting from scratch. So you have to take about a 12 mile detour to a ferry to cross which I did and the pictures are of the new bridge under construction. Vermont has run out of money and you can tell by it's roads. When the winds weren't beating me to death the potholes were trying to kill my bike and me. My good buddy Gene Cenci had told me to stop at Dakim Farms just above Virginnes to see one of the first maple syrup production farms. I did and it was very interesting. I bought maple sugar characters for all the grandkids just like we had as kids. I got up to Burlington around 2:30 and Gene, his wife Anne and I sat and chatted for three hours and had a cocktail and then they took me for a little tour around the U. of VT and down to lake Champlaine and then took me to dinner at a fabulous Italian restaurant called Puchinella's.

It looks like I have a beautiful day to ride so I'm going to get on the road. Tonight I am staying with Katie and Davey Kitchell in White River Junction. Katie is the beautiful and successful daughter of the famous or infamous Susan Woodcock, a dear friend who I will visit in Tiverton RI later on in my journey.

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