Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A nice day in Vermont

11 May, 2011

I had a fantastic visit with my good buddy and college dorm mate, Gene Cenci and his lovely wife Anne. They treated me like royalty, which I really am.

Before launching on the next leg of my trip I had to get some pictures for posterity.

I left Burlington around 10 AM heading for White River Junction. I stopped in a little town called Middlesex because I smelled charbroiled hamburgers and hot dogs. I came upon Vermont's version of the buffet luncheon.

I want to tell you folks, Vermont is a beautiful state but if you want to visit, plan on touring it by airplane, hovercraft or balloon. Do not, and I reiterate, do not plan to ride on any conveyance that puts wheels under your butt and puts those same wheels on Vermonts secondary roads. Those roads have potholes, chuckholes, ratholes and even a bunch of a__holes, although they are all politicians.

While on the ride I also got to view some Vermont humor.

I arrived at Katie's around 2:00PM. Katie and Davie live on a mountain top about three feet below where the good Lord stood when he started making the world. They're so high up asphalt won't stick to the ground so it's all dirt roads. Three times during the ascent I drove through the clouds and my instrument qualifications are no longer current. But I did arrive five minutes prior to Katie's arrival. She's got these three kids and groceries and a guest and handles the whole thing with ease. I'm sitting at their bar taking all this in. Owen needs a snack before we go to his baseball practice. Liam has to go to the potty and this is a new experience for him so he wants to let everyone know how well he is doing and Sebastian is taking up Katie's time with his own needs. I'm ready for a nap just watching all this. But now we're off to baseball practice and down through the clouds to the flatlands. Katie watches Owen while I follow Liam around cause he thinks he's Christopher Columbus discovering a new world. I did get a picture of Owen coming home after a great hit.

Had cocktails with Davy and a great meal of salmon, baked and broiled culiflower and broccoli and petit epeautre de Sault (like Italian risotto). And now it's bedtime. Tomorrow I'm off to Maine. After passing by Lake Winnipesaukee I will stop in Sanford Me to have lunch with my roommate freshman year at Nichols college and from there the destination for the day is Waterville ME.

Good night all.

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