Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Johnson City TN to Beckley WVA

May 3, 2011

Quite a ride today. I was passing through Bristol Tn and as I came down this hill I saw a very large structure in the distance on the right. I thought it was a shopping mall or some such thing and paid it no more attention. Then as I was passing it on the right I saw the Brostol Motor Speedway sign and noticed that the gate was open. I went down the road, did a huey and came back and went in the gate. The road winds up a hill and through the parking lots. As I continued on I kept waiting for some one to speed up and ask what I was doing. No one stopped me although a number of cars and pickups went by me. I parked close to the stands and noticed there was a gate open and it looked like it went towards the track. I got my camera out and walked all the way through the stands and walked down this very steep bank and I was standing on the track. So I started taking pictures fully aware that at any moment someone was going to drive up and throw me out. A white van driven by a gal came down to the infield. She had two disabled people in wheel chairs in the back of the van. She pulled up alongside me and asked if I would mind standing back behind the gate because she was going to drive around the track and show the people what it was like to drive the steep bank. I got a picture as she came around the first time. On her second time around she stopped and asked if I wanted to go with them. I jumped in the front seat and off we went. It was tits but she had a hard time staying up on the bank because she couldn't go fast enough in the van. She dropped me off at my bike and I was on my way to Tazewell Va. Well, I rode some back roads and switch backs that would make the Tail of the Dragon look like it was Interstate. I rode up some hollers where the few people who live there have to drive to town on Satiddy to get their mail and go to the general store. It was a fantastic ride. I saw all kinds of game. Even saw three turkeys. Two were riding crotch rockets and the third had feathers. Got to Beckley just in time to miss a fair sized thunderstorm. I'm really starting to enjoy this odyssey. I just wish my butt would start cooperating. The cocktail at the end of the day does help.

Tomorrow it's Morgantown WVA.

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