Saturday, May 21, 2011

Digby, Nova Scotia

21 May, 2011

I didn't get to write in the blog yesterday. The internet was real slow and had great difficulty uploading pictures so I thought I'd wait and check out the internet at my next stop which is Saint John, New Brunswick.

I started off yesterday from Yarmouth Nova Scotia. It was overcast as it has been during my entire Canadian stay but it was a little warmer, 53 degrees. I stayed right along the coast and went through some neat little villages. It's amazing that in every village it's the church or churches that stand out. As I neared the town of Digby, where the Ferry departs for a three hour voyage to St John, I saw a sign that said to stop and try Digby Scallops, The best in the world. Being a scallop lover, I decided to test them. I road through town right down to the docks. I had been told by a local to go to the seafood market at the docks because they had a cafe right next to the market and served the freshest seafood. They had a sampler plate where you got two of each, bacon wrapped, broiled and pan fried. The woman said there would be a quiz when I finished. She wanted to know which I liked best. I couldn't tell her because they were all delicious. Then I asked if they had any raw clams. Sure enough they had Cherry Stone clams on the half shell. Took me right back to the clam bar at the Grand Central Station so many years ago and they were just as delicious. Then I spotted something I hadn't had since childhood. They had home made Strawberry Rhubarb pie. I knew I couldn't get out the door without trying some and it turned out to be every bit as good as mom's pie. I drove right out on the wharf and that's where I took the above pictures. It's too bad it was so overcast because the colors were really vibrant.

Look at the bottom left picture. That is one of the docks. It was not low tide. The tide had started coming in but see the dark versus the light. The bay of Fundy is known for having the largest tide differential somewhere around thirty feet from low to ligh tide.

Just as I finished taking the pictures it started to rain so I skidaddled because I still had 130 kilometers to my destination, Truro Nova Scotia.

21 May

Had breakfast, packed up and ready to depart Truro. It is foggy and misting with a temp of 49. Well, 30 miles out and closer to the Bay of Fundy, the temp dropped to 41 deg, with steady rain and winds of 15 knots and gusting. It was downright miserable. It was a long trip around 225 miles. Brother Gus had told me to go down to the shore and see Hopewell Cape. It's another demo of the tide differential. At high tide it looks like a bunch of small islands and at low tide it looks like a bunch of thirty foot tall rocks. You can go down to the beach and walk among them. It's quite a sight but I was going to have to miss it because it was just too cold and miserable. It never stopped raining during the entire trip.

Oh well, I will probably start to be clear and sunny tomorrow as I depart Canada. Even though the weather was terrible I do say thank you and goodbye to some very nice Canadian people.

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