Monday, May 2, 2011

It keeps getting better

May 2, 2011

After the problems I had with the motorcycle yesterday, my sister-in-law found a Honda dealership in Asheville, MR Motorcycles. It was a humongous showroom and service area.
I got there at 0900 and they spent four hours doing diagnostics and checking everything. Final result, they couldn't find anything so they only charged me for one hour ($68). Gus Fitch and Dick Ward will appreciate this. It's kinda like the Gremlins we had in the F-4 Phantom and the A-6E Intruder. The little buggers showed up at inappropriate times and if you were lucky enough to get back down on the ground they never showed up for the maintenance guys. As a result I didn't get on the road to Johnson City Tn until 1300. For my daughter G and grand kids Jack and Selah who are plotting my route on their map I had to set up an alternate route that took me to Canton NC and then Newport Tn and Johnson City Tn. It was a magnificent trip on back roads through the Pisgah National Forest and the Great Smokies. I was on some roads that the guy on the same road before me was Daniel Boone. I looked up one of them there hollers and thought I saw a still and then saw some REVENUERS sneaking up on them.
I stopped for gas and thish guy walked up and said his name was Hatfield. I told him I was just a dumb Yankee so he didn't bother me but said he was still looking for McCoy
I shut it down for the night at the Hampton Innin Johnson City TN.

When I started this trip I thought the highlight of each day would be the scenery I passed through. The scenery has been fantastic, no doubt but the highlight is arriving at the final destination for the day, getting out of the togs and making a cocktail and resting the butt on a soft mattress. Hopefully the butt will toughen up as we proceed from day to day.

The real truth is, I'm having a ball. I'm spending my kids inheritance at a greater than normal rate and I shall continue. I have to get better with the photography. I saw a lot of great shots today but before it registered I was past them. This is only the second day. I've got 28 to35 days left. Hopefully I'll get better. If I don't, so What?

Have a nice evening. I'm having a great one.


1 comment:

  1. I think Toz is doing a great job keeping up with the daily activities.

