Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sunshine and warm weather

24 May, 2011

I couldn't believe it. Stepped outside the motel this morning and it was actually warm. Still overcast but no rain and forecast is for clearing. I'm heading from Portsmouth to Tiverton to visit an old and dear friend. The dear friend s not old but she is a dear old friend. My mind is wandering as normal. As I approach Boston it suddenly dawns on me that I have another old and dear friend in Boston and he is both old and dear. So I make a hasty exit and pull into a parking lot where I can call him. He lives in Brookline and he's home and we're going to have lunch. Irv Frankel was one of our aviation maintenance officers in my first Fighter Squadron, VMFA-251 in Beaufort SC. We went in different directions during Vietnam and Irv got out while I stayed in. But we stayed in touch through the years and actually met again four or five years ago at a VMFA-251 reunion in Beaufort. The pictures show Irv and his lovely wife Marci and the two uglies, Irv and Toz. Also, don't know if you have ever seen an Albino Chipmonk but as we were heading out for lunch, Irv pointed him out to me and I got these pictures.

After a great few hours together I pressed on to Tiverton. Susan cooked a great dinner last night, something I had been looking forward to after being on the road so long. Early this morning I cleaned up the bike and we took a three hour ride around Tiverton and local areas. The countryside is so beautiful and it was sunny and bright. We stopped and had a seafood lunch and now I am trying to stay awake but not doing well at it and I fear a nap is coming on.

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