Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A nice day

9 May, 2011

I've got an easy ride today from Ticonderoga NY to Burlington VT so I decided to wait till this morning to update the blog. Yesterday was a day of contemplation and reflection. Sounds heavy, huh? And what does Toz know about contemplating?

The ride was through beautiful NY state countryside, most small farm community's. I thought TN and WVA had some wild back roads but NY state certainly holds it's own. Plus I think this is where the guy upstairs stores the winds. I've seen loads of windmills on the ride today and had to stop and photo one. But as I said, I was reflecting. I shut off the XM radio and just rode in the relative quiet. It's a beautiful country we live in. Too bad everyone wants to travel overseas. They should give traveling the back roads some consideration. You sure don't see much on the interstates. I have met so many fine people and I'm only 10 days into my trip. Every time I want to stop for a break I stop and ask a local where a local would go for a great cup of coffee. Yesterday it was Slim's Cafe in Dolgeville NY. I went in and started talking with some old timers (maybe they weren't that old) and in 15 min. I had the history of Dolgeville and could probably score in the high nineties on a final exam.

Sat. I pulled into a parking lot to call my daughter who is keeping track of my house while I am gone. As I was sitting there a guy pulls up along side and hollers "Semper FI". Apparently he had seen my American and Marine Corps Flags. He was a "Seaweed" (Navy) and had flown blimps. We sat there talking for about ten minutes and he said that he was restoring a half-scale F-4U Corsair. I told him that was my very favorite airplane and he took my name and address and said he will send pictures. I told him to email them. Get this, he restores airplanes but doesn't own a computer.

It was just so pleasant riding along with all kinds of good thoughts passing through the mind. I may have fallen asleep for awhile and not known it. Thank God for three wheels.

I pulled into Saratoga Springs NY just around noon. I was meeting Joe Dalton who has been the president of the Chamber of Commerce for 41 years. Joe and I went through Officer Candidate School and The Basic School together in 1963 and 64. We have not seen each other since then although Joe runs a group get together every year of the 34th OCS class. This year they met in San Diego. Unfortunately for me I have not been able to make any of the reunions. In two years they will meet in Quantico for our 50th and the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I will be joining my brothers-in-arms. I met Joe at the Old Bryon Inn, a beautiful old colonial Inn. The owner, Sully, came up and joined us for a few minutes and treated us to lunch. We spent an hour rehashing our trials in OCS together and all the great guys we served with. For those not aware, Saratoga Springs is known for horse racing. They have nine tracks in and around the town of about 26,000. Joe tells me that in from the beginning of August there is a period of 36 days where the only racing in NY state takes place at Saratoga Springs. The main track was originally built in 1863. After lunch Joe took me on a tour of the city. He drove into the track much like I did at Bristol TN and we walked through the box area onto the track. I didn't get very good pictures but I did get some. The town is also known for it's mineral waters and baths. I saw one place on the side of the road where people come along and fill jugs with this mineral water. It was a favorite place of President Franklin Roosevelt. Finally when I left the Springs I traveled up Rt 9 to Ticonderoga. Route 9 runs right along Lake George in the Adirondack mountains. It was beautiful as were the little towns and homes along the lake.

Today I am off to Burlington VT and will spend the night with an old college buddy, Gene Cenci and His wife. I have not seen Gene since our 10th college reunion in 73 so it should be a fun reunion.

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