Monday, May 16, 2011

The days keep getting worse

16 May 2011

Just another bad day. Temperature got up to 39 degrees but the weather channel said with the wind chill factor it felt like 29. I won't argue with them. I was having breakfast at the Indian Point B&B with a German couple who own the place. I mentioned that my gloves were not mde for this cold & rainy weather. The husband got up and went into another room. He came back with this heavy duty pair of gloves he says he uses with his snow blower but he now has a tractor with an enclosed cab and a heater so he doesn't need them. I offered to pay him but he said that would make up for accidentially shuting off the internet last night. They really work. So I left Port Elgin heading for Tignish, PEI (Prince Edward Island). Part of the trip includes crossing the Straits of Fundy on the 8 mile long Confederation Bridge. Luckly the day before I had met a gent at a service station who told me the speed limit on the bridge was 80 KM and he said not to go over it because they had cameras all along the bridge and if you were speeding a Royal Canadian Mountie would meet you on the other side and extricate somey money from your pocket. It was a fun trip with 20 to 25 knots of wind blowing from all directions and some really cold and uninviting water just below. Just as I got off the bridge the rain started in earnest so I hunkered down and proceeded at warp speed toward Tignish some 130 KM's away. I keep seeing the same old signs warning of "MOOSE" Now tell me friends, what self respecting moose would leave his quarters to romp around in freezing cold weather. That kind of activity is left to fools and American tourists and I believe they are synonymous. But then the bright side of the day arrives. I rode into Summerside PEI and spotted the Starlight Diner. I walked into a time warp taking me back to the fifties. Check out the pictures, a record selector at every table and a juke box and they all worked. I spent $3 in quarters just to hear all those old songs. Up on the wall was the 45 rpm records, the old coke machine and the Chesterfield ad. I kept looking for Fonzie. The rest of the trip was rain and cold but I am staying at a nice little motel in Tignish called the end of the island motel. The owner said they had 30 minutes of hail this morning. Oh joy, just what a biker needs, hail'

Goodnight all, the cocktail is working.

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