Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One of the lesser Great Days

May 5, 2011

Everyday can't be a great day and today was one of the lesser great days. Got up at 0600 to a temp. of 42 degrees and a slight drizzle. Packed and had breakfast and as I was leaving the temp had risen to 43 degrees and still drizzling. For my daughter "G" and my grandkids who are tracking my progress, the route today was from Beckley WV to Fayetteville, Summersville, Sutton, Buckhannan, Grafton and Morgantown. The temp finally got up to 47, Brrrrr. Thank the Lord for warm gloves, heated seats and hand grips and keeping it to a drizzle. Even though the weather was bad I stopped in the little town of Sutton and had a great lunch atPJ Greens. If you're ever through there, stop. You'll really enjoy it. For Monk.......I'm keeping the mach up. 70 on the interstates and down in the hollers of WVA, TN and VA there's no revenuers within a quarter mile of my six and they don't have sidewinders. You probably won't believe it but I actually try to hold it within 5 miles of the speed limit.


  1. Glad the drizzle stayed a drizzle - Geoff

  2. I thought I told you Gus and I used Gerbing's heated jacket liner, gloves and boot inserts . . . you can be comfortable into the low 40's with them. Add a rain suit in drizzle and life is good! Anyway, if you continue to head into ever colder air, I highly recommend buying the gear as it really makes a difference! Am enjoying your updates Toz; keep up the narrative and ride safely!!
