Monday, May 23, 2011

One Week to Go

23 May, 2011

It's almost getting to be a contest instead of a vacation. Instead of seeing beautiful sights everyday, the last week has been going directly from point A to point B and get into the motel and get warm. Again today I was on the road from 8 AM to 3 PM and it rained from 8:30 until 2:00 with the temp at 43 and winds of twenty knots gusting to 35. People drive by in their cars with a roof, windows and windshield wipers and heat and they look at you as if to say, "What an idiot". I almost believe them sometimes but then I think to myself......"look at those wimps sitting comfortably in their vehicles. They don't get to experience this feeling of being one with nature, smelling the earth around you, feeling nature dump on you and then as a joke put out the sun for just a moment to tempt you into believing all is good and then dump on you again. However, I would do it again in a heart beat only the next time it will be south of the Mason Dixon line.

Aren't the Alpaca cute.

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