Friday, September 11, 2015


Started up the blog again today for my next trip.  I'm departing on Sunday the 13th for Gettysburg PA and a reunion with squadron mates from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 115, the Silver Eagles where I served during my second tour in Vietnam, June 71 to July 72.  I'm leaving five days early to travel the back roads of the Shenandoah Valley visiting the small towns and villages and historic sights.  Interstate 81 runs basically south to north splitting the valley in half so on the way up I will visit the eastern side of the valley and on the way back I will take another five days and visit the western half of the valley.  Weather permitting, it should be a fun trip with some beautiful scenery.  Hopefully I can still get my leg over the gas tank and the GPS(BITCHIN BETTY) continues to work with little or no back talk or ideas of her own.
The preparation seems to be the hardest part of the trip but it all seems to be coming together and the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be off and riding Sunday morning at 0800.  The first leg of the trip is mostly getting out of NC and arriving at Rocky Mount VA.  It's the longest leg of the trip at 199.5 miles.  I've tried to keep most legs in the 100 to 125 mile range so I have time to view all the sites I have picked out.  I will try to do better picture taking on this trip.
Well, back to work now.  Still have a lot to do.


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