Tuesday, September 22, 2015

22 Sept. 2015

Little chilly starting out at 0800 this morning.  Temp is 58 but damp from all the rain.  I have a 1000 appointment to meet Don Ryder in Hot Springs VA, the home of the Homestead.  Up until last week Don had been the Director of Golf at the Homestead for the past 43 years and grew up in Hot Springs with Sam Snead and his nephew J C Snead, both PGA golfers.  Don's brother Fred was the pro at the Bowie Country Club where I golfed for the 20 years I lived in Maryland and worked for Westinghouse.  Fred and Don worked up a package each year where 24 of us from Bowie went to the homestead for four days to play golf.  On Thurs. afternoon we played 18 holes on the old, original course.  Friday and Sat we played 36 holes, 18 on the Upper Cascades and 18 on the Lower Cascades.  Sam Snead would come out and play four holes with each of our foursomes.  On Sat. night Don would have us all over to his home for a steak cookout and Sam Snead would join us.  It was really a great time.
Well I met Don at 1000 for breakfast and we had a fun time reminiscing.  While we were eating J C Snead showed up and joined us for coffee.  He and Don are golfing and hunting buddies.  I was in HOG HEAVEN sitting there with a PGA player but he was also just a good old boy and had some great stories.  Too soon it was time to get back on the road so I said my goodbye's and hit the road.
Before leaving I had to ride around to the Homestead entrance and get a few pictures.


You can see the overcast in the background.  It was trying it's best to rain but never did.
My next stop was Covington VA and the Humpback Bridge.  Bitchin Betty took me over some unbelievable back roads but we finally made it to the bridge and I have to admit it was pretty awesome to see and to know the bridge was built in 1835 and all parts are wood.                   

After this I stopped at a super Italian restaurant Cucci's that was recommended by a guy at a gas station in Covington.  I was amazed, they had Peroni beer, a great Italian beer and a fantastic Stromboli.  After this lunch all I could think of was nap but I still had 70 miles to ride to Blacksburg and the cold, damp weather was getting to me.  Bitchin Betty took me on some of the worst back roads I have ever been on.  Speed limits were 30 mph and the roads had no centerline but had plenty of curves.  Being the exceptional driver that I am, there was no problem and by 1500 I had arrived at my hotel for the night in Blacksburg, home of the Virginia Tech Hokies.

So I am presently in my room with the heat on and enjoying my Manhattan and talking to y'all.  I hope your day was as good as mine.





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