Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, 10/20/14............I apologize, I am certainly remiss in my task of keeping this blog updated.  I have a weak kneed, lily livered, lame duck excuse but it's the best I can come up with.  When I got to the hotel and my room, I had every intention of writing about my days activities, no matter how boring.  I first made a Manhattan which I thought would get me in the writers groove.  Instead, it got me in the nap groove from which I did not recover until early this morning.  I told you it was a  weak kneed, lily livered, lame duck excuse.
So to retrace my steps, I left the villages around 8 AM with perfect weather and temps around sixty but rising.  The route included little towns like Citra, Hawthorne, Waldo, Lawtey and Callahan Florida and Folkston, Nahunta, Jessup, and finally Glennville GA.  Now I know, all you world travelers have probably dined and danced in all these little communities but this was a first for me and very interesting.  Now, I am a believer in God and a somewhat religious person but not a real church going soul.  However, as I traveled north through the countryside I had to look up and say..."Thanks ACE(he understands that) for allowing me to experience all this beauty you have placed on this earth for us to enjoy.  I also thanked my grand dad for raising me.  I know he probably thought for the longest time that he had really screwed up but I hope he's up there smiling now.
Well enough of that and back to my original mission....I was passing through this little town of Lawtey and stopped to get gas.  There was an elderly black man gassing up his Cadillac and I stopped him and said..."Sir, if I lived here in Lawtey all my life and wanted to have a good lunch, where would I go".  He smiled and pointed in the direction I was traveling and said..."About a half mile down on the right is R & R Wings and it's the best"  I thanked him and headed to R & R Wings.  Well, "LAWDY, LAWDY, LAWDY the R & R Wings Is Lawtey's secret.  I wanted to put three bags extra in the trailer for later.  My advice to you folks who travel to Florida every fall, forget Interstate 95 and go through Lawtey for some wings.
So that was the highlight of Mondays ride and you already have been informed of my failures later in the day so I will move to today.

Tuesday, 10/21/14....Today was a different day altogether or at least the start of it.  I stayed at the Glennville Inn in Glennville GA.  The room was very nice.  I was told that breakfast was served from 0700 to 0900 in the morning.  I got up at 0600, showered, shaved, packed and loaded up the trailer.  At 0740 I went into the office to have breakfast.  There was no one in the office, there was no coffee, there was no milk for the frosted flakes and no fruit whatsoever.  I shouted....."HEY"...a short while later this Indian guy came down the stairs from his quarters upstairs.  He was dressed for business in his tee shirt, shorts and hair askew.  I told him that breakfast was supposed to be from 7 to 9.  It was now 7:40 and there was no coffee, milk or juice.  He ran upstairs and came back with a 3/4 empty container of milk which he probably stole from his kids.  Breakfast was marginal and will probably be the cause of them not getting a five star review from me.  Throughout this ordeal all I could think about was Cenci and his holiday Inns(He is a college buddy who was in the hotel business).  If I ever went to one of his spots and got this kind of service, I would be jumping up and down on his desk.
So off I went and it was another beautiful day riding the back roads of GA and SC.  I traveled thru Claxton, Statesboro, Sylvania GA and Allendale, Orangeburg, Manning, Tuberville to my overnight destination of Conway SC.  As I passed through Orangeburg SC I was day dreaming when I saw a sign flash by, "Momma's Mountain Cooking.  I did a U turn and stopped.  Might be a toss up between Lawtey's R & R Wings and Momma's Mountain Cooking.  After a meal of fried pork chops, mac & cheese, collards and sweet peas with cornbread and an Arnold Palmer(1/2 sweet tea and 1/2 lemonade) I had a hard time getting back aboard ny bike but I made it and here I am in Conway SC enjoying my Manhattan cocktail and informing you of my travels.
Tomorrow is home.  I can start smelling home and it smells good.  It's been a fun trip but I'm ready to get back and play some golf and see the daughters and grandkids.
Have a good evening, it's been fun.


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