Sunday, September 20, 2015

20 Sept. 2015

I had plans to see a number of attractions today but as usual, plans don't always go as planned.  I launched out of Mt. Jackson right at 0830 and it was sunny and a little cool.  I road some real back, back roads where the speed limit was down to 25 due to the curves and hills.  My first stop was to be in Harrisonburg to check out the Crossroads Valley Brethren Mennonite Heritage Center but alas, it was closed.  My next stop was in Dayton Va at the Silverlake Mill but it was also closed.  Next I stopped in Bridgewater VA to see the Natural Chimney's Regional Park.  I had no idea what this was but it was open.  It was a very nice park with camping facilities and the Natural Chimneys which were something to see.

Then it was off to Staunton which was my last stop for the day.  I had read that if you went through Staunton you had to stop at Wrights Dairy Rite Restaurant.  It's a fifties type drive-in with 50's music but it does have inside seating also.  When you sit down there is an old fashioned phone attached to the booth.  You dial 71 and place your order.  I also read that if you were eating there you had to try the sausage cheeseburger.  I gave it a try with some red onion, tomato and mayo and it was outstanding.
Looks like I may be spending an extra day here in Staunton.  The weather forecast is for a 60%
chance of rain for the entire day.  So we'll just have to wait and see what develops in the morning.
Good night y'all.

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