Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday 10/14/2014
Woke up at 0530 this morning(much to early) preparing to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway viewing the beautiful fall colors and riding to Mount Mitchell the highest point in this area at 6 thousand and some odd feet.  From there I was riding to Mills River NC to have lunch with my brother and then a quick trip to Brevard to check it out and then ride to Spartanburg SC and spend the night with Sam, my youngest daughter and her family.  Well, the weather forecast says 100% chance of rain with lightning and thunder and tornado warnings.  I don't like to ride in the rain but I can handle it.  I don't do well with lightning and thunder and possible tornado's.  I made a command decision, probably the best one I have ever made to stay an extra day at the Blowing Rock Holiday Inn and watch the weather thru my window.  As it started to lighten up it was obvious the rain had already started and the winds were howling.  I went out and made some improvements to keep the cover on the motorcycle.  Luckily, there is a restaurant about 100 yards from the hotel that will cover lunch and dinner and is within walking distance.
This gives you an idea of what it was like outside.  When I walked out into the fog my left foot couldn't see my right one.  I had to tie down the motorcycle cover with bungee cords to hopefully keep it from blowing away in the strong winds.  As I type this I can still hear the rain beating on the sides of the building.  Well, I did take a nap and right now I am enjoying my Manhattan cocktail so all is good relatively speaking.  Hopefully there is a tomorrow and we will try it again.
I did want to mention my very good college buddy Gene Cenci from up in Burlington VT.  He sent me and email and simply stated.....Have bail money, will travel.  Isn't it wonderful to have such great friends.  Buddah Brusman also offered support but his was too colorful to add to this family oriented blog.  But Buddah, keep your comments and suggestions coming.
Good night folks!!!  It's always nice talking to you.

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