Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday 10/18/14..........Breakfast at the Seibert household sure beats the hell out of the breakfasts served at most hotels.  Slept in until 0800, it felt good knowing I didn't have to go out and get on the bike today,  Bill took me out and showed me a good portion of the community.  It is an amazing place.  Beside numerous golf courses, right across the street is a Polo field.  They have professional teams coming in to play.  Each complex has four or five softball fields and again they get these semi pro teams coming in to play tournaments..  Each complex also has a community center with a pool and a myriad of activities to participate in.  On the weekends they have live music and outdoor parties.  According to Bill, you get to the point where you feel bad if you just want to stay home.  We're taking a break to watch a little college football which will probably end up in a nap.  This evening I will take them out to dinner at their favorite watering hole.  More later............

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