Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, 10/13/14.....0500 came earlier than normal.  I'm retired.  I thought retired people never got up before 0700.  Well I dragged this old body out of the rack, showered, shaved got fed, made the bed, locked the shed, closed all the lids on the bike and trailer and prepared to depart at 0730.
As I left Wilson it was pretty nice.  Temp was mid 60's and I thought I was in for a pretty good day.  It was very interesting on the four lanes.  I've kinda toned down my driving habits, especially on the bike.  The speed limit on 264 is 70 mph so I set the cruise control on 65 and got in the right lane.  Everybody and his brother was whipping by me doing 75 and 80.  Now stop and think about it, 80 gets you an additional 10 miles in one hour.  Is that worth a $250 to $500 ticket.  It means you'll just be a little less late to your job or you might get to the hospital a lot earlier than you expected.  Instead, get your ragged butt out of bed in time to make a leisurely trip to work or wherever you're going.  I had one dizzy broad pass me doing at least 80.  Now, she was in the left lane passing other vehicles and had that cell phone up to the steering wheel and her fingers were going at those keys texting out a message that I could only guess had to be extremely important to risk her life and all those around her.  But I digress from my original effort to tell you about my trip.  After I got past Raleigh I got on the two lane highways which I really enjoy.  I stopped at Angelina's Kitchen in Pittsboro for coffee.  It had started to get colder and I was in a long sleeved shirt and vest.  I had read in the "Our State" magazine that there was a BBQ place in Lexington that was supposed to be really good.  I was going through Lexington so I put the address of the BBQ Center into the GPS and bless her, Bitchin Betty took me right there.  The BBQ was excellent, the ambiance left a little to be desired.  When I came out it had gotten a little colder so I got rid of the vest and got a jacket.  Riding from Lexington to Lenoir there was mist.  It started out as light but got heavier as I rode West.  It never did turn into a drizzle.  From Lenoir to Blowing Rock(19 miles) visibility went to almost zero with heavy fog.  Speed went from 55 down to 25.  When I got to Blowing Rock I actually drove by the Holiday Inn twice before I finally spotted it.  On the way to Blowing Rock Bitchin Betty, my navigator actually took me on an uncalled for excursion before we got back on track.  I've had a serious talk with her and I turned off the power so she'll have no heat tonight.  Hopefully that will get her attention and she'll be more conscientious in performing her duties tomorrow.
I Checked into the Holiday Inn and called my old high school buddy Bobby Eckert who lives in Seven Devils during the warm months and then heads for Fort Lauderdale like on Wednesday.  He picked me up and we went to the Outback for drinks, dinner and a whole lot of catching up.  It was a great time and now I'm back in my room and ready to hit the rack.  It's been a long but good day.  Tomorrow is the Blue Ridge Parkway, lunch with my brother in Mills River NC, a trip thru Brevard and then I'll spend the evening with my youngest daughter Sam, her husband Geoff and three of my grandkids, Hugh, Blythe and Elle.
Goodnight all, hope I don't get wet tomorrow. 
Bobby Eckert and me at dinner.

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