Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday October 12...............Dinner with family last night was fun but today is get serious time.  I've got the trailer and the motorcycle packed, portable bar is loaded, all routes are planned and hotel reservations made.  I've been over all my lists of things to do and what to take which seems to expand with every trip I take.  Now if the weather will cooperate it should be a really fun trip but I have packed the rain suit just in case.  On this trip I will be on the Interstate only a total of 48 miles.  The rest is all two lane roads through the little hamlets and townships where you see America in action.  From previous experience I've found that some of the best food is available in the little mom & pop cafe's in these small towns and the people are so friendly and helpful.  That's part of what makes these trips so much fun.  The other part is just being able to see and experience the wonders that God has placed on this earth for us to enjoy.  It's truly amazing.  I've done a lot of overseas travel in the past but nothing beats the sights available in our good ole U.S. of A.
Well enough bloviating, I still have a few things to take care of around the house and get a good nights sleep and then I'll be on the road around 0730 in the morning.

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