Tuesday, May 30, 2017

5-30-17...Good morning to you all.  I'm at the Cenci's in Burlington VT and what great hosts they are.  Had a fantastic salmon dinner and great conversation catching up on all our classmates.  I want to add a bunch of pictures here that I previously had not been able to download from my phone.  I think they call that technically challenged.
This is George Pagnotta, a college classmate in Brewster NY where we met for breakfast.

This is from my home town, Brookfield CT.  It's a small, colonial town and the only reason I show this is to see the flags on every telephone pole for Memorial Day.  You don't see that many places in the South but all the small towns I've seen so far in New England really do it up for Memorial Day.

Above is a small park in Brookfield that was dedicated to the Veterans.  They made bricks for everyone they knew of and I was able to find mine.

I attended

I attended grade school at a Catholic school in New Milford CT. which was about seven miles from my home and another small colonial town.  the town has the above beautiful Green.  The bandstand is still there from when I was a kid.  On Sundays martial music and polka bands would play and people would sit all around the band stand.  That is the same tank I climbed all over as a seven year old.  The big beautiful colonial home was the home of our family doctor, Doctor LaTaif and he made house calls.  I went to school with his daughters one of whom became a judge in New Milford and unfortunately passed away a couple years ago from cancer.
My granddad used to take us kids on Friday nights to the movie theatre above to see Hopalong Cassidy and they always had a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
Ah, those were some great days.  I'm sitting in the house enjoy the warmth and watching the rain outside.  I think I must have pissed off all the gods.  The rain gods have dumped on me every day I've been on the road.  The sun god has turned his back on me.  The golf god is the only one smiling and that's because he doesn't have to watch my poor attempts at playing golf.
Funny story......As I arrived at the Cenci's they were in crisis with a bat flying around the downstairs.  They thought they had him isolated in the dining room with all doors closed.  Well you know, when you have bats in your belfry you call the Marines.  My original plan was to use a grenade or maybe bayonet the bat.  I decided against 12 rounds from my M-14 rifle for fear of the resultant holes in the hardwood floors and took the broom Anne handed me and dispatched the bat.  Gene swore the bat was still alive.  He took the bat outside and tried for the longest time to resuscitate him.  Gene was not aware that Marines are very thorough when dispatching the enemy.  Everyone enjoyed a cocktail shortly thereafter.

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