Thursday, May 25, 2017

05-25-17...The weather reports along my route for today were not good but I was hopeful that it might not be as bad as reported.  As I got underway I said a couple prayers for Marshalls grandson who is suffering from Leukemia and asked if it wasn't too much of a burden maybe he could help out with the weather.  For awhile I thought my prayers had been answered.  It was overcast but dry from Bowie to Chestertown Md., about 60 miles.  Then it started misting and I thought maybe he was testing me because it started to clear and I actually saw blue sky.  As I crossed the Delaware Memorial bridge it started misting again and as I got on the Jersey Turnpike the mist turned to rain.  Nothing worse than riding a motorcycle at 70 mph in the rain with 18 wheelers passing by leaving large clouds of spray.  That's what I thought but th en I got on the Garden State Parkway in NJ and was promptly in bumper to bumper traffic for 45 minutes.  On top of that we come to a toll plaza and there has to be ten entrances but get this, your on a motorcycle, visibility is much less than 100% and there are hundreds of cars behind you ready to roll right over you to continue on.  I'm looking for the cash booth but all I can find is E-Z Pass and correct change only and the toll is $1.50.  I can't find a cash booth so out of desperation I choose a correct change only booth.  Next I find their collection system doesn't take bills.  All I have is three quarters and a number of dollar bills.  I toss in the three quarters and notice a sign that says violators picture will be taken so I smiled and drove on.  I finally made it to Heidi's Inn in Brewster NY around 1730.  Tonight was a two cocktail night and a great New York Pizza both of which I did not need but they sure made me feel better and the pillow is telling me it is now time.  I'm meeting an old college buddy George Pagnotta for breakfast,
Good night all.

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