Monday, May 29, 2017

5-29-17...I've been so busy running around the last couple of days I failed to
make any entries in my blog, so here goes a catch up.  I have a bunch of pictures to add but having trouble downloading them from my phone.  I'll get to it I promise.  These past couple of days have been extremely nostalgic. 
After having breakfast with George Pagnotta I started riding the back roads in and around my hometown of Brookfield CT.  When I was growing up Brookfield was a sleepy little village of 1200 people located very close to Candlewood Lake which is a very large man made lake.  The town is about 50 miles from New York city and so in the summertime the size of the town almost doubled and during high school and college summertime was a gangbuster with parties and trips across the state line to Jimmies in Brewster.   The drinking age in CT. was 21 but NY state was 18.  We were a very short distance to the state line and so there were many trips over the line to Jimmies and other party locations.
On Saturday I had lunch with Linda Nohe Fernand, my high school sweetheart and first love.  It was fun catching up on all that had occurred in our lives and where we were today.  After lunch I got up with Fred and Linda Morlock and rode up to their house for a visit.  Fred and I were high school friends and every time I came back for a visit I would always stop and visit Fred.  From there I went back to the hotel.  There is an Outback Steak House right next to the hotel and Pete Ganio, Tommy Greene and Gene Previdi, all high school friends, joined me for drinks and catch up.  In the summer of 62 Pete and I jumped in my new 62 Chevy Super Sport convertible, put a cooler of beer in the back seat and drove 56 hours non-stop to Hollywood CA where we worked for the summer.  I was a page boy on the Queen for a Day show and Pete worked for Dan Blocker. Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza.  It was a great time and on the way out we drove the length of Route 66 which was pretty new at that time.  The rest of the time was spent riding around town seeing the old homestead and homes of friends and revisiting lots of great times.
Yesterday I left Brookfield and rode up to Colebrook Ct and had a three hour lunch with George Bodycoat, a boyhood friend from Brookfield.  I had seen George a couple of times in the past 15 years and every time we get together we have a blast reliving our younger days and all the pranks we were involved in.  I left George and rode the backroads through some fantastic scenery to Pittsfield Mass.
I want to mention something that was very pleasing to me.  As you go through these small colonial towns almost every home is flying an American flag.  In Brookfield as I rode on RT-25 from Brookfield Center to Brookfield, about three miles, there was an American Flag on every telephone pole along the route.  It was very inspiring.
Got to run.  I'm off to Burlington VT and a couple days with Gene Cenci.  They are calling for 90% chance of rain so I'm donning the rain suit.  It's also cold, 53 degrees.
Until the next entry.............


  1. Looks like the rain is just following you all around the eastern seaboard. Hopefully we can give you a dry night in Wednesday. The Kitchel boys and I are super excited to see you!

  2. Tempus Fugit. I wish I had followed this blog from the beginning
