Thursday, September 13, 2012

9 Sept. 2012
I had a little more to add on this day with Jake and Linda.  I spent the morning cleaning the bike while Jake went to church.  He came by around noon and we decided to go to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and I was giving him a ride on the bike.  We got him helmeted and strapped in and off we went on a nice ride to the restaurant.  The food was really good and I was so surprised to see that everybody that worked there was Mexican.  I couldn't find a Mexican for the El Mex so we had to paint mustaches on our help and give them sombreros to make them look a little Mexican.  After lunch Jake wanted to show me the metropolis of Heber Springs, population 7,168 U.S. citizens?  We rode downtown and by golly, it was heart warming to see the folks are patriotic.  Outside the town courthouse they had a field of American flags.  It was heart warming.  I didn't see a single dirtbag burning or otherwise desicrating(sp) the American flag.

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