Friday, September 14, 2012

14 September 2012   Winterset to Sioux City Iowa

Two things I wanted to see while in Winterset were John Waynes home and the Bridges of Madison County.  I drove to downtown Winterset, a really neat small town.  I first went to the John Wayne park and got a couple of pictures of his statue and then around the corner of John Wayne Blvd and one block to his home.  The first thing I noticed was how small it was, four rooms.  It was nice and very well kept up with gardens all around the front.  I got there before the doors opened and didn't want to wait 45 minutes to see the inside so I departed for my ride to Sioux City.  And now the bridges......At one time there were 20 covered bridges in Madison County.  Today there are only six and they are provided excellent care.  Two of the six are located off the route I was taking out of town.  I saw the sign for the first one with a right turn off the highway.  Then I saw the dirt road I would have to travel for three miles to get to it and decided to try the next one, same thing, dirt road.  There was a postman delivering mail and I stopped and asked about the roads.  He said all six were on dirt roads and probably the same three miles to each one.  Needless to say, I missed the bridges.  Each time so far that I was caught on dirt roads, it has taken two hours to clean the bike and I wasn't up for it this time.  So off I went across Iowa.  It was a beautiful day  with 77 degree temps but very windy across the plains.  A couple of observations, first Iowa is a beautiful state and it goes on and on and on.  I could take hundreds of pictures and not capture the beauty the naked eye sees all around.  Also, Iowa has more dirt roads then the other 49 states put together or is it 57.  We'll have to check with Obama, he know all that geography stuff.  If anyone want to make a quick million, just come to Iowa and set up a bunch of car and truck wash franchises.  You'll make a bundle.  It was a really nice day of travel.  I hope the rest are just the same 

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