Thursday, September 27, 2012

27 September 2012......More catch-up

After leaving the Hoaster Family in Boulder CO I headed for Payson AZ to visit my brother Ernie Griffanti and his wife Vicki in Payson.  The plan was to arrive in Payson via Alamosa CO, Farmington NM, Holbrook AZ and Payson.  Traveling to Alamosa and Farmington there was some outstanding scenery of the Rocky Mountains and the Rocky Mountain Plains.  When I got to Farmington I called Ernie and we talked about by-passing the evening stop in Holbrook and spending an extra night in Payson.  So the nextmorning I got up early Partly because I wanted an early start and partly because I put the wrong local time in the clock and it woke me up at 4 AM instead of 5 AM.  Those Manhattan cocktails I'm making every night in the motel seem to affect the brain in a strange way.  I don't believe I've ever felt those Manhattan sensations before (har har).  Anyway, I ended up arriving at the Payson home of Ernie Griffanti and wife Vicki around 2 PM.  We had a beer and sat on the deck overlooking the 4th green of the Payson Country Club enjoying the peace and tranquility.  Of note for the day, my navigator for the day screwed up again.  She had been doing so well ever since I chastized her back in Kentucky.  We arrived in Payson and she was directing me to Ernie's home at the Payson Country Club.  She told me to turn right off AZ-260 W and go three miles and turn on some other street.  I turned right and was on a narrow hardtop street.  As I proceeded the street turned to dirt and I passed horse stalls and pens hoping that very soon the dirt track would return to hardtop.  Instead, I ended up in the front yard of a home with nobody home so I did a 180 and got back to 260W but not before having an angry conversation with my navigator.  Note, it is very unusual for me to get angry.  I took control and naturally, all Marines are good navigators and I ended up directing my navigator to the target.

When Ernie and I decided it was 5 O'clock somewhere, he made some Manhattans that made the hairs stand up on my arms, pretty weak but he was planning on getting better and really did.

Vicki, outstanding cook that she is, made a chicken dish with broiled potatoes, asparagus, salad and wine.  I never saw a paper plate.  I believed the governor of AZ was going to join us based on the table setting.  When Miss Vicki does something, she does it right and the table was beautiful.
This is the sunrise taken from the 2nd floor deck of Ernies house.  It was 0615 and the Elk rutting season was just starting and the male Elk were all bugling.  It was awesome hearing nature up that close.

I'm standing on the second floor deck of Ernie's and Vicki's home looking across the #4 green of the Payson Country Club.  The beauty of the entire area is awesome.  After taking these pictures, Ernie and I cleaned up and suited up and I took him on the motorcycle up to the local airport where they have a greasy spoon that makes the best chicken fried steak and gravy, fried eggs, hash browns and muffins.  After breakfast we waddled out to the bike and returned home.  The plan was we were going to take a couple hours and clean up the bike because it was in really bad condition with dirt and dead bugs.  We were about half way through cleaning the bike when Vicki got a call from the gal that watches her cat at their home in Scottsdale (Desert Mountain) AZ.  Seems the ice machine water systen was leaking and there was water on the kitchen floor.  So we jumped in Ernie's Corvette and headed down the mountain to Desert Mountain( 1 1/2 hour driving time).  Ernie found the shutoff valve and shut off the water,  We mopped up the water, went to Subway for lunch and headed back up the mountain.  We got the bike cleaned just before Annie and Jim Brister arrived to spend the night.  Annie and Jim have a place in Desert Mountain and a second home in Flagstaff AZ.  I have known Annie for a number of years from my visits out to see Ernie.  She and Jim were married a couple of years ago.  Vicki cooked another fabulous dinner and we spent the remainder of the evening catching up.     

Ernie's taking Vicki for a ride.  Notice how smooth he was.  The beer bottle never fell off the cooler.  He said that was similar to his flying abilities in the F-4 Phantom.  I let that one go with nary a comment. 

Next morning Vicki made a fantastic breakfast and then Ernie, Jim and I headed for the Payson Country club and a 0915 tee time.  It's a beautiful course with first class treatment from the staff, and yours truly played a very good round using borrowed clubs.  Shot 41 on the front nine and 47 on the back.  The back really got to me.  It was very hilly and we're almost at 6000 ft and I was puffing from the thin air.  Regardless, we had a good time.This is a picture of the Griffanti's and the Bristers.  After golf, the Bristers headed back to their Flagstaff home and Ernie and Vicki napped and what else could I do, so I napped too.  When we all woke up Ernie made Manhattans and we sat out on the terrace and watched the sunset

Next morning it was departure time and it was really hard to leave.  Ernie and I have become like brothers and each time I visit it is harder to leave.  But it was a great visit and I thank both brother Ernie and Vicki for their hospitality.  Now it is time for them to come East and allow me a chance to reciprocate.
My next visit is with Houn'dog Bassett and his wife in Austin Texas. Tonight is the first of three stop-overs before arriving at Austin.  I am staying in Socorro NM.  Of note today, I rode through Pie-Town NM.  There are two cafe's and that's it, not even a gas station.  But the owners of each cafe make daily fresh pies of all types.  I stopped and had a piece of warm apple pie with coffee. It was really great.  The owner came out and we talked.  He is originally from Baltimore.  I asked what kind of pies he had made for that day and he mentioned Strawberry Rhubarb.  I said I hadn't had that since I was a kid in Connecticut so he cut a piece, said it was on the house and thanked me for my service.  He had spent some time in the Coast Guard.  That about catches me up.  Goodnight folks.  I'm having a great time out here.  I'm knocking on wood, but so far I've been out 23 days and have had only one day of rain.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday Sept. 22, 2012

I'm playing catch-up here.  The rides from Rapid City SD to Hot Springs and then to Cheyenne WY wer mostly uneventful.  The scenery was excellent riding through wide open spaces sometimes not seeing a car for ten or fifteen minutes but the winds were unbelievable blowing the bike all over the road.  It was especially bad in Wyoming.  For the first time ever I saw signs on the highway saying that when these lights are flashing, the road is closed.  A local explained that was because of tje tremendous snow drifts they get with the blowing winds.  Also in the fields right along the road you see these really big steel snow fences which help to keep the snow from drifting on the roads.

I left Cheyenne on the 20th heading for Boulder CO.  I had called Jill Griffanti Smith daughter of my good buddy and brother Marine Ernie Griffanti who I will be visiting in Payson AZ.  Ernie lived in Bozeman MT for many years and I went out there a number of years in the winter and stayed with him and the whole family would go down to Big Sky to ski.  Jill and her brother Ben were young kids then but great skiers.
Jill lives in Fort Collins Co which is right on my way to Boulder and we decided to meet for lunch in Loveland, just a few miles south of Fort Collins.  Had a real nice time catching up on her family but all too soon it was time to hit the road and head for Boulder and two days staying with Sam Hoaster and family.  Sam's dad is my ex brother in law and a good friend.  We used to visit the Hoasters in Atlanta when Sam, Mike and Kathy were little kids.  The kids used to like me to get on all fours and they would ride me like a horsey.  We also did some wrestling and I would throw them around the room, no injuries.  Sams brother Mike also lives in Boulder.  I got to Sam's place around 1330 and off loaded the bike and settled in.  Then Julie, Sams wife and the kids Reba(6) and Lila (3) came home and we had a nice time getting to know each other.  Reba is a little unsure of me but Lila has become my sweetheart.  She likes to play nosey so we rub noses numerous times.
The next day Mike called.  He lives on the outskirts of Boulder in a beautiful home at the 7,500 foot level.  He came down to Sams place.  Sam was busy doing business so Mike and I went to lunch at a really nice place in the walking mall in Boulder.  It was a shock after six days crossing Iowa, SD, and WY and seeing relatively few people to sit at an outside table and see all this humanity.  And what a sight it was, there were a few regulars but most that I saw were tatooed from head to foot or had rings through most any place on your body that you could imagine.  Boulder is a college town home of the Colorada Univ.  I'm wondering if Colorado Univ. actually recruits all these whacko's or they just show up on their own.  We had a nice lunch though and then I followed Mike up to his home in the mountains.  He has a beautiful home with an unbelievable view of boulder down below.  His wife Robin was home.  I hadn't seen her since Gina's wedding and that was so long ago, men hadn't started shaving yet.  Daughter Carley, a senior in high school wasn't home so I didn't get to see her but we had a nice visit and then I headed down the mountain because I was taking Sam and family to dinner.  Before dinner we did some picture taking and I had to assume the position of horsey and let Reba and Lila ride.

Julie, Lila and Reba

Mike and Me

Sat. Sam and Mike were going bike riding so they led me out of Boulder and south to Rt. 285 which takes you through the Rocky Mountains.  Again, you can't capture the beauty of the Rockies with a camera.  You have to see it in person.  I did take a couple of pictures which I will include.  I got as high as 11,500 feet and the temperature at the start was 44 degrees so it was time for some warm clothing.  I got to Alamosa CO around 1330 and checked into the motel and crashed for about a three hour nap.  It felt great and I am now having my Manhattan and trying to complete this portion of my blog.

Playing horsey with Lila and Reba

Mike and Robin

Sam, Julie, Reba and Lila

The haze is from recent fire but those are the Rockies in the distance

Looking at the Plains of the Rockies from 11,500 feet

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday Sept. 18, 2012  Rapid City SD to Sturgis, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Monument  and Hot Springs SD

What a great day.  Launched out of Rapid City around 0745 and headed North to Sturgis, another check on my bucket list.  Certainly not as wild as the annual motorcycle ride In but that's what I wanted.  I just wanted to say I had been there.  It is a beautiful area in the Black Hills of SD.  I rode around the town and it was a neat little town.  Then I headed for the back roads and down Vanocker Canyon heading to Mt. Rushmore.  What a change after riding three days across the plains of SD now I was back to riding mountains like TN and KY.  I stopped and took some pictures at Pactola Lake, just beautiful. 
Then I pressed on to Mount Rushmore.  As you approach the park there is an opportunity to stop and take a picture of the profiles of the president which I did.  Once you get to the gates you realize you are in a national park.  There is no charge to enter the park but you have to pay an annual parking fee.  How lucky I am, now when I get back to NC I can come back out to visit Mount Rushmore as many time as I want for a year without additional charges.  Hurrah!!!!  As soon as I get back I will start planning my next trip because I want to take full advantage of the $10 dollar fee for one year availability.  Mount Rushmore is really awesome.  If you look at the Presidents with binoculars you can see the Presidents eyes looking directly at you.  I didn't want to leave so I went to a restaurant on site and this is the second time today I noticed this was a government facility.  I ordered a Buffalo hot dog and what I got was a $6.75 hot dog.  But it was great just being there.

Next I rode about 17 miles south and visited the Crazy Horse monument.  It was good to see but is a very long way from being finished.  From there it was a short ride, 38 miles to my motel in Hot Springs SD.  Tonight I went next door to a nice little restaurant and had a Buffalo steak.  It was tasty although a little tough and will not cause me to give up beef.  All in all it was a really good day and now I must plan my day for tomorrow.

Monday, September 17, 2012

15 Sept. 2012  Sioux City Iowa to Watertown SD and visit with Jim Fortin

Lost my Nav Computer on the bike yesterday about an hour before arriving in Sioux City IA.  Of course, Garmin and Honda were closed for the weekend.  The local Honda dealer in Sioux City was unable to shed any light on the failure.  This morning I was able to get hold of Garmin.  After listening to what had failed and what I was seeing they said I needed a major reset (reboot) which takes two people.  They sent me the procedure to my email.  Luckily, there was a dealer in Rapid City and I went there and in thirty minutes we had the system back up.  But, I get ahead of myself.

As I crossed the state line from Iowa to South Dakota the first thing you notice is that the speed linit picks up to 75 on major highways and 65 on secondary roads and there are horrendous winds that blow constantly.  The traveling is good and sometimes you can go for 20 minutes and never see another car.
I got to Watertown around 1500.  I met Jim's wife Gloria and we had a couple of beers and covered everyone we knew in the F-4 Phantom community.  Jim is not doing real well.  In June one day he  had stopped his pickup and was going into an office to get support for the VFW.  He happened to turn around and saw his truck rolling backward so he ran to the passenger door to try to get it stopped.  aaaahe tripped and fell and the front tire rolled over his chest and grazed his head.  He ended up with six broken ribs, a punctured lung and a broken collar bone along with numerous cuts and bruises.  He spent June, July and August in the hospital and a rehabilitation center and just came home a couple of weeks ago.  He has a real hard time getting around even using a walker.  His son Shane also a former Marine came over from Doland about 50 miles away to have dinner with us.  Gloria cooked a great meal including an outstanding corn pudding that makes vanilla ice cream taste bland.  We loaded Jim into the car because he wanted to show me the Watertown VFW park.  It's a really nice spot on the shore of a lake and Jim's son took me to one of the slabs of names to show me the sixteen Fortin boys, fathers, sons, brothers and uncles who have all served their country.  We made it an early night and in the morning I had breakfast with Gloria and said my thank you's and goodbyes.  Gloria said she was so happy I had come to visit.  It had really brought Jim alive even if just for a short time.  Right after dinner we called Rat Williams and He was just diagnosed with lung cancer and had just finished his first chemo treatment.

16 Sept.2012............Watertown to Pierre (Pier) SD

The trip to Pierre was a short one, 200 miles but the wind blew really hard all the way and made it an interesting ride.  I stopped one time and took some pictures of the land trying to show the vastness of it.  It didn't work.  You have to see it with the naked eye to really appreciate it.  I was happy to get to the motel early.  I picked up a six pack and sat back and watched some Sunday football.

17 Sept 2012...........Pierre to Rapid City SD

We had a blue sky morning but the big change was the temperature.  When I started out it was 45 and got up to 52 by 0930.  I stopped in a little town, Cottonwood population 48, to get gas.  There was a little coffee shop/bar so I had a cup of coffee and started talking to a couple of really nice locals.  They were talking about one of their friends who had just gotten bitten yesterday by a prarie rattler and he was pretty sick and in the hospital.  They didn't have anti venom serum and had to fly it in from somewhere.  He was also telling me about sightings of mountain lions in downtown Rapid City.  I don't plan on going out this evening.  As I drove through the countryside I saw two Antelope and one ring necked pheasant 
I contacted Garmen and told them what had happened to my onboard GPS nav system.  They said I had to do a major reset(reboot) and it takes two people to do it.  Luckily Rapid City has a Honda dealer so I went by there and a really nice young gent helped me out and it is now up to full operation. 
 Tomorrow is a big day with a ride to Sturgis and then Mount Rushmore and The Crazy Horse monument.  I hope I get some good pictures. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

14 September 2012   Winterset to Sioux City Iowa

Two things I wanted to see while in Winterset were John Waynes home and the Bridges of Madison County.  I drove to downtown Winterset, a really neat small town.  I first went to the John Wayne park and got a couple of pictures of his statue and then around the corner of John Wayne Blvd and one block to his home.  The first thing I noticed was how small it was, four rooms.  It was nice and very well kept up with gardens all around the front.  I got there before the doors opened and didn't want to wait 45 minutes to see the inside so I departed for my ride to Sioux City.  And now the bridges......At one time there were 20 covered bridges in Madison County.  Today there are only six and they are provided excellent care.  Two of the six are located off the route I was taking out of town.  I saw the sign for the first one with a right turn off the highway.  Then I saw the dirt road I would have to travel for three miles to get to it and decided to try the next one, same thing, dirt road.  There was a postman delivering mail and I stopped and asked about the roads.  He said all six were on dirt roads and probably the same three miles to each one.  Needless to say, I missed the bridges.  Each time so far that I was caught on dirt roads, it has taken two hours to clean the bike and I wasn't up for it this time.  So off I went across Iowa.  It was a beautiful day  with 77 degree temps but very windy across the plains.  A couple of observations, first Iowa is a beautiful state and it goes on and on and on.  I could take hundreds of pictures and not capture the beauty the naked eye sees all around.  Also, Iowa has more dirt roads then the other 49 states put together or is it 57.  We'll have to check with Obama, he know all that geography stuff.  If anyone want to make a quick million, just come to Iowa and set up a bunch of car and truck wash franchises.  You'll make a bundle.  It was a really nice day of travel.  I hope the rest are just the same 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sunshine and warmth

9 Sept. 2012

I'm backtracking a little because I downloaded some pictures to add to the blog.  I was totally unaware that the Washington monument had been moved but voila, as I approched Hopkinsville KY there she stood.
This is Lamberts Cafe in Sikeston MO., where they ask you if you want a hot roll and if you raise your hand the server tosses you one, sometimes from 20 feet or more.

Jake and Linda Jacobsen........Old friends from Marine Corps days.  Jake and Linda live in Heber Springs Ar.  They have a home right on the Little Red River just below a huge dam.  I came over the Ozark mountains from Poplar Bluffs MO to get there and it was a beautiful ride.  The scenery was fantastic and the weather was great.  Started out at 62 degrees with no humidity and the highest it got was 76 under clear blue skies, a perfect day for a ride.  They also have a second home up on the cliffs overlooking the dam and the river.  We shuttled back and forth between both houses.  We spent the next day and a half reliving our Marine Corps days and catching up on everyone we knew during those great days.  We had a great time but the visit was much too short.  I will meet Jake at 0730 for breakfast and then I am heading out for Davenport IA with a stopover in Jefferson City MO.  It's been a great trip so far.

9 Sept. 2012
I had a little more to add on this day with Jake and Linda.  I spent the morning cleaning the bike while Jake went to church.  He came by around noon and we decided to go to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and I was giving him a ride on the bike.  We got him helmeted and strapped in and off we went on a nice ride to the restaurant.  The food was really good and I was so surprised to see that everybody that worked there was Mexican.  I couldn't find a Mexican for the El Mex so we had to paint mustaches on our help and give them sombreros to make them look a little Mexican.  After lunch Jake wanted to show me the metropolis of Heber Springs, population 7,168 U.S. citizens?  We rode downtown and by golly, it was heart warming to see the folks are patriotic.  Outside the town courthouse they had a field of American flags.  It was heart warming.  I didn't see a single dirtbag burning or otherwise desicrating(sp) the American flag.
11 Sept 2012 Jefferson City MO to Davenport IA

The plan was to ride to Davenport Ia and meet up with Streak and Patty Blackman, old Marine Corps friends.  I got a call earlier and Streaks brother is sick in NYC and Streak is going back to see him but will be back early on the 12th.  The Trip to Davenport was mostly uneventful.  However, that bitch navigator got me off on gravel roads again for about 20 miles and when I finally hit hard surface my black bike was gray.  I used to like her but on this trip she's been suspect.  I think she may be union and waiting for Obama to pay her rent and put her through college.  It was a long trip but good weather and the last thirty miles from Muscatine to Davenport was done on RT. 22 which runs right along the Mississippi river and is very picturesque.  I got to the motel, unpacked and made a cocktail and then traveled a block to the Thunder Bay Cafe for a very good evening meal.  Back to the motel and I crashed.

12 Sept 2012.............Up at 0600 and had a good breakfast at the followed by a two hour serious motorcycle cleaning exercise.  Got a shower and Streak called.  He was back and would pick me up at noon.  We drove around a little bit and then went to a sports bar for lunch and a catch up on twenty or more years.  After that we drove over to John's business office and Met AD and Luke, his sons and his wife, Patty.  Then John took me across the river to a John Deere museum which was outstanding.  Coming off a little dairy farm in CT I was amazed to see the complex machinery they have today to plant, cultivate and bring in the crops.  We then spent an hour on the Mississippi in a water taxi seeing the sights.  It was a beautiful day and very pleasant on the water.  Following that John took me to the house and we had cocktails and Patty joined us and we had another cocktail and then Streak grilled some pork chops and we sat out on the deck and had a great meal and reminesced late into the evening.
13 September 2012Woke up early and had a good breakfast at the motel.  Yesterday was a beautiful sunshiney day with temp's around 84.  This morning it was 52 and overcast.  As I started out it was overcast and a little windy.  About 45 minutes out it commenced a steady rain and it rained until 1:30 in the afternoon.  Wasn't a pleasant ride but thank God for three wheels.  I stopped in West Liberty Iowa for a short time to visit Fred's Feed and Supply store.  I watch a show on Sunday mornings called American Heartland on our PBS station and one Sunday they featured this store on their show so I thought I would check it out.  Tonight I am in Winterset Iowa which is John Waynes hometown and also home to six remaining covered bridges in Iowa.  The Roseman bridge is the one that was used in the movie....The bridges of Madison County with Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood.  I will visit those spots tomorrow as I head west to Sioux City Iowa for a stay tomorrow night.

Monday, September 10, 2012

10 Sept 2012  Heber Springs Arkansas to Jefferson City Missouri

This was a long trip for me but at the same time one of the best riding days I have had.  The entire trip was 300 miles.  Jake and I had breakfast at a little shop in Heber Springs and by 8 AM I was on the road heading north up through the Ozarks.  The temp. started out at 62 degrees and by the time I reached Jefferson City it was 81.  Again, beautiful countryside and a bunch of small interesting towns along the way.  My one brother went to the Missouri School of Mines and Engineering in Rolla MO so I made it a point to go through there.  As it turned out, it was lunch time and I had lunch at Coultons Steak House and the meal was fantastic.  I have to apologize because I don't do a very good job of explaining the beauty I find every day in my travels.  If I was to take pictures I would have to take one every mile to show you just how beautiful our country really is.  Suffice it to say, you have to see it for yourself.
If anybody reading this has trouble believing there is a God please hop on the back of my bike and I'll take you for a ride and show you God's presence is everywhere you look.

I've got another long trip tomorrow so I had better hit the rack and catch up on my sleep.  So far, it' been a rain free trip and I hope it remains that way.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I was unaware they had moved the Washington Monument but as I drove through Hopkinsville KY, there it was.  Had to stop and get a picture. 

 Later in the day I got to Sikeston MO and was told I had to stop at the very famous Lamberts Cafe and catch a roll.  It was a fun experience and I did catch one.  Sat. was a beautiful day.  Started off towards Heber Springs AR with 62 degrees and no humidity,  The hotest it got was 76 which was very pleasant.  The scenery was beautiful especially going through and over the Ozarks. 

 Spent a day and a half with Jake and Linda Jacobsen, old Marine Corps friends.  They have a home right on the shores of the Little Red river and just below a very big hydroelectric dam.  They also have a house on the cliffs overlooking the dam and river so we shuttled back and forth between both places.  We drank beer and manhattans and discussed everyone we knew in the Corps.  I took Jake for a nice easy ride on the motorcycle and he took me for a ride from "HELL" in his Porsche Boxter.  We were out for at least thirty minutes (it felt like the 24 hours of Lemans).  For at least 25 of those minutes there was never a time that all four wheels were on the ground at the same time.  It was a great visit but all too short.  Tomorrow Jake and I will have breakfast together and then I'm heading for Davenport IA with an overnight in Jefferson City MO.

Friday, September 7, 2012

5 Sept. 2012  Charlotte NC to Harlan KY

the weather reports all said rain between Charlotte and Harlan.  Said goodbye to David at 0830 and got on the road.  Everything was going fine and got around Charlotte no problem and onto 29 west.  Then my navigator somehow got me on I-85 and pretty soon I started seeing signs for Spartanburg and I knew my daughter Sam would be pissed if I showed up a month early so I stopped and did a restart on the GPS and Alice got me going again in the right direction.  As I went through TN and into KY we were in so real mountainous territory.  When I entered TN, I was actually in the clouds and had a few rain drops but nothing serious.  Alice doesn't do real well through forests with high cliffs on both sides and she took me on a ride.  At one point she got me on a one lane dirt road for 20 miles.  I saw places that I don't think God has seen yet.  It was so bad, I almost followed some cows into a barn before I realized where I was.  I finally got back to hard surface roads and made it to Harlan.  It was a great ride and the scenery was beautiful.  I traveled through parts of the Pisgah National Forest and up and down steep hills and switchbacks.

6 Sept 2012  Harlan to Bowling Green KY

I checked the weather first thing and was expecting to get rained on.  For the first couple hours in the mountains it was looking pretty bad but it never did rain and by 1100 the sun was out and it was a pretty day.  As I traveled south I went through the Daniel Boone National Forest.  It was beautiful but I kept seeing signs for deer crossings so I was being very cautious.  When out of the woods walked a black bear with two cubs.  I stopped and let her proceed on her way with out any interference from me.  Naturally the camera was in the trailer so I missed that opportunity.  The remainder of the trip was uneventful but long.

7 Sept 2012  Bowling Green to Poplar Bluffs MO

Seems like everything went wrong this morning.  Either I didn't set it correctly or it didn't work but the alarm didn't go off at 0600 like planned.  I woke up at 0740 and had to hustle packing up and getting breakfast before leaving.  It was a perfect morning weatherwise.  Temp was 77 and humidity was 55% but it was a long trip today so I had to do some hustling.  What a difference between eastern and western KY.  East is mountainous and west is rolling hills and farm land.  It was beautiful country and some really big farms.  Passed a few Amish communities.  I was not aware that they raised tobacco in KY but saw a lot of it.  There were times when I didn't see a car for 15 to 20 minutes and it was just so peaceful riding down these two lane highways.  Anyone who doesn't believe in God needs to spend a day riding these highways.  And I'd like to get that dirtbag Obama out here for a ride to let him see that man was responsible for building these great farms and successful businesses and not the government.  I crossed the Mississippi river at Cairo Il and it took me back to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.  I didn't see any paddle wheelers but I did see an awful lot of barges waiting to be moved.
When I got into Sikeston MO I was told that I had to stop by Lamberts Cafe for a meal so I did.  It's very large and from the outside makes you think of a Cracker Barrel.  But inside it's entirely different.  You sit at your table and order a drink, no booze.  You order and while you are waiting you will see a couple of guys hollering..."Hot rolls" and if you raise your hand he will toss you one, sometimes from 20 feet and with great accuracy.  Other gals are walking around offering spoonfuls of fried Okra, or fried potato's or apple butter and molasses for the hot roll.  The food and the atmosphere was great.
I got back on the road after that meal and it started looking like rain clouds were building and I still had 70 miles to go to Poplar Bluffs so I put the pedal to the metal and I made it to the Holiday Inn before the rain hit.  It was  another good day on the road and a cold beer sure tasted good at the end of the ride.  I did take a couple of pictures and was going to download them tonight but alas, I left the connector from the camera to the computer in the trailer so I'll have to get them tomorrow.  At least I am now caught up.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day on the road


I left Wilson NC this morning at 0830 with great trepidation.  It was overcast and my direction was west to Charlotte and the in-laws of my youngest daughter Samantha.  The Lemonds are fine people and have risk their home and sanity to take in "The Dancin Bear" for the evening.  As I jumped on the bike, or truthfully, hoisted myself over the seat I said a prayer for good weather.  Immediately thought better of that because a prayer from me would normally increase by tenfold the chances of rain.  But to my amazement, only six drops fell on the windscreen the entire trip.  I stopped in Garner for coffee and in Albemarle at the Log Cabin for some great BBQ.  The trip to Matthews was pleasant.  Every time I ride I marvel at the beauty I see all around and the smells of fresh country air.  Then, two eighteen wheel pig haulers go by and you get the true picture of fresh air in NC.  I say that jokingly because it really was a very nice day.  Now comes the visit with the Lemonds.  Absolutely fantastic.  After a shower and dressed comfortably, it was time for Manhattans.  I made one for Susan and myself and David had some wine and we caught up on all the happenings since I had last seen them at the beach on Emerald Isle in July.  The neighbors, Tom and Liani came over bearing steaks that Dave had hand picked that day and Tom cooked.  We had a great evening and the wine flowed profusely.  I have now decided to end my journey and stay with the Lemonds for 40 days.  They seem to be as of yet unaware of my decision but I'm not sure that is correct.  After I mentioned how much I enjoyed his hospitality and especially the wine, David mentioned something about having to visit a sick aunt who had been a teacher at East Alabama A & M.  So, as all good things have to come to an end, I think I will be on the road tomorrow heading for Harlan Kentucky.  I hope y'all had as good a day as mine and I hope my next 44 are as good as the first.