Thursday, June 8, 2017

6-8-17...Golly Gee, who'd a thunk there could be two days of sunshine in New England in one week.  I am never going back to NH, VT, or ME.  They have nothing but rain.  As soon as you cross the border into Massachusetts, somebody up there turns off the faucet  But, I leap forward too quickly, Bruce and Carol are the penultimate hosts.  Bruce climbed out of bed early in the morning to cook breakfast.  He had so many suggestions including Russian caviar on toast points or English muffins.  We decided the English wouldn't mesh closely with the Russians and decided on scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee.  Too soon it was time to hit the road heading towards my alma mater, Nichols College in Dudley MA and a get together with Bill Pieczynski the VP for Advancement, Molly Thienel director of Alumni & Parent Engagement and Susan Veshi who cracks the whip over us lowly scribes ensuring we get our material in on time and that it be fit to print.  I digress here because I think Bill should recommend me for an Honorary Doctorate.  You tell me smarties, how many people can spell his name correctly?  Not only that but when I met he and Molly I told them I could still pronounce and spell Lake Chug or Webster so here goes....Chargoggagoggmanchauggaggoggchaubunagungamaugg.  That's probably worthy of an Honorable Doctorate in foreign language studies.  It's meaning in American Indian fish on your side, I'll fish on my side and nobody fishes in the middle.  Thank you Bill, Molly and Susan for taking time out of your busy day to show me the new buildings on the campus and for lunch and my Nichols hat.  As I was getting ready to depart we took pictures of Bill and I and Susan and I.  I took my glasses off for the picture and set then on the rear seat of the bike.

After the picture I jumped on the bike and apparently forgot to put the glasses on.  I got down to Henri Davids place in Old Saybrook CT and noticed my glasses were missing.  We looked all over but found nothing.  Luckily Henri had a spare pair of glasses and they worked well so I am now using them.  Henri and I had a beer and he showed me all his beautiful cars in the barn but all too soon I had to climb back on the bike and head out for my evening stop.  Tomorrow will be another interesting day with a drive through New York City on the way to Barnegat Bay and a visit with Shindog, a very great Marine buddy.

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