Monday, June 5, 2017

6-3 to 6-5-17...Got caught up in events and failed to blog for a couple days.  Sat. the third we drove from Orford NH back to White River Junction because Katie's oldest, Owen who is 13 was playing Lacrosse.  So Bry and I went to watch him.  It was overcast but luckily no rain.  After his game was over we said our goodbye's and headed back to Orford.  On the way, Bry took me to this dairy farm.  They have between 450 and 500 Holstein cows and everything is automated.  The amazing thing is that all the cows know where to go and they amble around and wait their turn to go into the stall where their udders are automatically washed and then the milking machines are hooked on.  When the cow has been milked the stall opens, she steps out and another steps in.  Then they go to another station where a machine scratches their backs then they go to another location where they feed and lay down and sometime later back to the milking station.  Their are separate barns for birthing and then a separate barn for the heifers to grow.  It was really amazing.  Went out to a great place for lunch followed by a nap and then Suzie made another gourmet dinner and we watched Stanley cup finals hockey.
Sunday morning turned out to be sunny and nice.  Bry made waffles for breakfast and we said our goodbye's and I was off again to Littleton NH to visit Pete and Millie Smith.  Pete was a friend and classmate from college days.
Millie made a beautiful lunch including a Rhubarb pie which is my favorite.  Pete has been a competitive bike racer and bikes all the time so he showed me his stable of bikes which is very impressive.  Both are doing well and at the time he is getting the camper ready for a trip to Anchorage Alaska to visit their son.  To soon I had to say goodbye and continue on to my destination which is Industry Maine and the home of Bill and Nan Stanek.  Bill is an old Marine Corps compadre from back in the early 70's.  We played football for the Marine Corp Readiness Training Group at Cherry Point and won every game including the Marine Corps Birthday Bowl and then went to Camp Lejeune to play the Champion team from Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic and won that championship.  They were about to fly us to Hawaii to the All Marine championship when there was a fuel crunch so the Marine Corps frowned on sending a transport aircraft for a football game.  Instead, we went to Fort Bragg NC and played the Army's championship team from Fort Bragg and beat them 7 to 6.  At that time we hung up our cleats forever.
6-5-17  Today is overcast and dreary.  We just came back from breakfast at a nice restaurant on the lake.  Bill and Jan's place is on the lake and very secluded.  It's really beautiful.  It will be a slow and peaceful day and then I'll take them out for dinner somewhere this evening.  Tomorrow I'm off to Kittery Maine.  It's forecast to be another rainy day but by now I have webbed feet and can handle any amount of water.  Another nap might be in order this afternoon followed by a pick-me-up cocktail before dinner.  Hope y'all are enjoying the heat in Wilson and at the beach.  Have a great day.

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