Sunday, June 11, 2017

6-11-17....I arrived at John "Shindog" Shinnick's, my good Marine Corps buddy's house in Barnegat Bay NJ on Friday the ninth.  John is going through some serious medical problems and it is very debilitating but he attacks with vigor and his spirits are high.  I was supposed to stay Friday and Saturday but when I saw him it was obvious we wanted more time together so I extended all my reservations for an additional day.  John's sister Mimi is an angel.  She comes over every day and cooks and does everything around the house.  Friday night John took us to a fish house that was absolutely fantastic.  After some clams as an appetizer Mimi had lobster while John and I had a Monk fish Francaise that was absolutely wonderful.  Saturday afternoon we traveled to John's sister-in-law and her husband Jim O'Brien who live right on the ocean.  We had cocktails and great conversation and Jim grilled some great salmon.  By the time we got home, everyone was shot so we said our good nights and crashed.  Sunday  morning John made French toast.  I went to work cleaning up the bike while he went to church.  In the afternoon John, Mimi and I traveled to Greg Shinnick's house.  Greg is John's son, a Naval Academy Grad and now has his own financial management business.  A good number of family members were there and Greg was cooking baby back ribs on the Green Egg.  It was a very nice afternoon and soon Shindog started to feel it so we took some pictures and then headed for the ranch.

Shindog & The Dancin Bear

Shindog, Toz & Jimmie Shinnick, John's grandson and a 2nd Lt. in the Army

Greg, Shindog's son and a Naval Academy graduate, Shindog, toz and 2ndLt. Jimmie Shinnick

So, it's now close to 10 PM.  I have a long day tomorrow including a trip of 85 minutes on the Cape May Ferry.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and we'll see you around the block.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great looking family. Great military lineage. John and I were tent mates in Danang. Bittersweet.
