Sunday, October 7, 2012

7 October, 2012...........2nd Day on the Natchez Trace

Started out and remained a pretty nasty day.  It was overcast with temperature of 47 degrees when I started off.  Thank God for rain suits over warm clothing.  When I checked with Bitchin Betty my navigator she said I had 159 miles to go on the Trace before getting off and heading for Muscle Shoals Alabama.  Well, the speed limit on the Trace is 50 MPH which just means you are going to spend more time in the cold.  The Trace was deserted.  I don't think I saw more than two cars the first hour of the ride and they were going in the opposite direction so I jacked the speed up t 65.  On a long stretch of highway with no one around, you tend to do some day dreaming which is exactly what I was doing when that Park Policeman snuck up on me.  I never saw him bet he did get my attention when all those blue lights started flashing.
He walked up and asked for license and proof of insurance.  Before doing anything I announced....Officer, I have a concealed carry permit and I do have a weapon on my person.  He asked where it was and I told him on my belt on the right side.  He said to please not make any moves on that side and I assured him that side was paralyzed.  He asked where my license was and I told him left pocket and got it out.  He asked for proof of insurance and I told him it was in the trunk.  He asked who my insurance was with and I told him USAA since 1963.  He didn't need to see it.  He told me he clocked me at 64 and the speed limit was 50 and would I please slow down.  I assured him I would.  He thanked me for my service and said to have a nice day.  I did 50 the remainder of the time on the Trace and thanked God for a nice cop.
After getting off the trace I only had 25 miles to my destination and got there as quickly as possible so I could get to my room and warm up a bit and have a cocktail and watch some football.

This pretty much ends my trip to new places.  Tomorrow I have a long trip to Gainsville Georgia and the next day I travel to Spartanburg SC and a few days with my youngest daughter Sam, her husband Geoff and three of my five grand kids, Hugh, Blythe and Elle.  It's been months since I've seen them and I am so looking forward to the visit.  While there I hope to get to Simpsonville SC and visit an old college buddy Bruce Haslun.

It's been a good trip and some very memorable times visiting old friends.  This is my second long trip over thirty days and I think my last.  I have proven at 71 you are not too old to get out there and do it and now I'll stick to short trips or longer ones in an RV.

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