Thursday, October 4, 2012

4 October 2012  Catch up again.

28 Sept 2012...I spoke to soon.  In my previous writing I had mentioned how I had gone so long without rain.  This morning I left Socorro NM for Brownfield TX.  As I passed through Roswell NM the rain started and for the next 134 miles I rode in a downpour.  It was miserable but I got through it.  The next day going to San Angelo TX it drizzled the entire day.  I was starting to think I had jinxed myself.

The Chef's workplace

Slow cooking brisket and ribs

Houn'dog's Pizzaria and Bakery

Houn'dog and the Dancin Bear

30 Sept 2012...Today I rode from San Angelo to Austin TX to visit Houn'dog Bassett and his Scottish wife Marie.  Houn'dog is an old Marine Corps buddy and it had been a number of years since I had seen him.  He has a great place in Austin and has taken up cooking in a big way.  These are pictures of his outdoor kitchen.

Houndog & Marie
We had a great two days catching up and drinking his Italian Peroni Beer which is really great.  But all to soon time was up and I was heading out to Frisco Texas, just North of Dallas to visit Margareth Rayburn and Chris and Nancy Debergh.  I knew Margarethe and her family from being stationed at Cherry Point at the same time as they were and Chris and I worked together in Baltimore for a couple of years.  Margarethe graciously offered to have a cookout at her house and invite the Deberghs and their three boys.  She also invited her daughter Lizzy and husband Mike and their two girls Bella and Serena.  We had a very nice evening catching up on years gone by.  That day I also took Margarethe for a ride on the motorcycle.  She said she enjoyed it but I don't think she wants to become a regular rider.

The Debergh Family

Margarethe goes for a ride
This morning I said my goodbye's to Margarethe and headed east for Shreveport LA and Barksdale AFB swhere I am spending the night at the visiting Officers Quarters on the base.  Today, Texas scenery was somewhat redeemed.  As I got east of Greenville Texas there were rolling hills, lots of trees and real green grass in the fields.
I'll be heading east tomorrow and staying the night in Natchez Mississippi and then the following day I'll start riding the Natchez Trace.  I'm really looking forward to that and hope the weather will stay nice.

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