Friday, June 2, 2017

6-2-17....This morning I am departing Katie and Davy's place in White River Junction VT and heading to visit another college friend Bry Beeson and his wife Suzie in Orford NH.  Before I do that though I am taking Liam, Katie's middle son to school on the motorcycle and then we are going to have breakfast at the King Arthur CafĂ© and Store and after that Katie is taking me to Davy's folks home to show me how they make maple syrup. 
From there I rode around beautiful Fairlee Lake and through some beautiful countryside to get to the Beeson reservation which is way out in the boondocks but absolutely beautiful.  Bry had some signs up to assure that I wouldn't get lost.

After we chatted for awhile he took me on a John Deere four wheel drive mountain climber and proceeded to give me a tour of his 375 acre estate, all the time telling me  to be aware of bears and snakes and this is the black fly season and limbs fall from trees and they are widow makers and a whole lot of other good information that I really needed to know to make my day.  And we're out there without any guns.  I miss my grenades and at least a good bayonet.  Then we stopped at Mud Turtle Pond and that made the trip most worthwhile.

 The pond has to be eight to ten acres in the middle of nowhere and just so quiet and peaceful.  I wanted to pitch my tent right there and spend the night but it's bad tick season so I gave up on that idea plus I had no tent.  We got back to the homestead where Suzie had a wonderful lunch waiting for us followed by naps and cocktails prior to departing for the Lyme Inn and a wonderful dinner.
It was a really nice day and I thank my host and for that matter all my hosts for putting up with me for as long as they had to.

My latest hosts, Bry and Suzie Beeson.  And with that concludes my reporting for the day.  If you have any problems with this reporters reports please take it up with the editor and you probably think he gives a s__t!!!
Good night all.

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