Sunday, June 18, 2017




But first, my last stop..............
Arrived at the Brusman ranch around noon on the 15th.  Budda thought "Bitchin Betty" would give me false information on finding Fords Colony so he gave me some different directions and told me not to pay attention to Betty when she told me to turn.  I followed his directions and went by the correct entrance.  Betty laughed and called me a dummy and told me never to pay attention to a human and override her directions.  Fully chastised, I turned around and meekly followed her directions back to Budda's home.  After a beer and some conversation Diane made some sandwiches and we chatted for awhile and then a one hour nap took us right to cocktail time.  Diane made a wonderful dinner and Budda provided copious amounts of Cabernet and all was good.  Sleep came easily and morning to quickly. 

Diane was playing golf with the ladies so Budda took me on a tour of parts of Williamsburg.  A real highlight for me was to watch a demonstration of old time glass blowing where you could talk to the artisans as they performed their work.  It was a great two days reconnecting with the Brusman's.  Friday morning I had planned to cross the James River and ride back roads to Wilson NC but weather reports were calling for rain and I just wasn't ready for another rain ride.  We said our goodbyes and I was on the road to the James River Free Ferry which runs every 30 minutes.  I lucked out and got to the ferry about 0815 so only had a short time to wait and then about a 20 minute crossing.  On the other side I directed "Bitchin Betty" to go directly to I-95 S.  Once I go on the interstate I had about 120 miles to go so I set the cruise control at 75 and away we went.  I arrived back in Wilson around 1050 and stopped by the club to say hello to my golfing buddies who were just about to tee off on # 1 at our normal 1100 tee time.  I got to the house and my daughter and granddaughter came over with balloons to welcome me back.  I unpacked the trailer and motorcycle and crashed.
I would just take a moment to thank all who put up with me for a day or two.  It was great seeing y'all and reconnecting after so many years.  I hope we all are able to get together again in the future. 

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