Wednesday, October 15, 2014

WEDNESDAY, 10/15/2014....Got up this morning and the rain had stopped.  It was chilly, 45 degrees and blustering winds.  I had breakfast at the hotel, loaded up the trailer and was on the road by 0800.  The first ten miles or so was bad with fog but it dissipated rapidly and the sun came out and ith was quite pleasant.  The colors were peaking and the sunshine added to their brilliance.  I stopped a number of times to take pictures but an iPhone photo cannot do justice as compared to what the human eye sees.

As I was riding down one spot on the parkway, four doe deer came out onto the side of the highway...I had slowed down to about 20 mph and for the next 1/2 mile or so they ran right along side my motorcycle and finally jumped off and darted into the woods.  It felt like they were playing some kind of game and after awhile got tired of it.  I got off the Parkway and rode over to my brothers place in Mills River.  We had lunch.  By the time we finished it was too late to make a side trip to Brevard so I headed on over to Spartanburg SC where I am spending the night with my youngest daughter Sam, her husband Geoff and three of my grand kids, Hugh, Blythe and Elle.
Tomorrow will be a long day.  It's a 307 mile ride to Fitzgerald GA.  So, with that in mind I will close for tonight and get some sleep.  It was a good day.

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