Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday, 10/17/14............Sorry, I didn't get to write last night but I had a long trip from Spartanburg SC to Fitzgerald GA. and the weather was not pleasant.  It started out good in Spartanburg but by the time I got to Anderson SC it had gotten overcast and extremely windy and cold.  It was the longest leg of my trip at 307 miles.  After that ride I got to the hotel, unloaded the trailer and made a cocktail and that was it.  I zonked out until morning.  Today was totally different.  Started out in Fitzgerald and the temp was 47 degrees.  But as I continued south the temp finally got up to 75.  I was a very pleasant ride and I am now at my friends home in the Villages.  We had a couple of cocktails and Phyllis made some outstanding crab cakes with slaw and roasted potato's and an apple tart for desert.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow.  Bill is going to drive me around the Villages in his golf cart and show me all the sights.  Right now, my day is done and I am going to hit the rack.  Good night all.


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