Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day on the road


I left Wilson NC this morning at 0830 with great trepidation.  It was overcast and my direction was west to Charlotte and the in-laws of my youngest daughter Samantha.  The Lemonds are fine people and have risk their home and sanity to take in "The Dancin Bear" for the evening.  As I jumped on the bike, or truthfully, hoisted myself over the seat I said a prayer for good weather.  Immediately thought better of that because a prayer from me would normally increase by tenfold the chances of rain.  But to my amazement, only six drops fell on the windscreen the entire trip.  I stopped in Garner for coffee and in Albemarle at the Log Cabin for some great BBQ.  The trip to Matthews was pleasant.  Every time I ride I marvel at the beauty I see all around and the smells of fresh country air.  Then, two eighteen wheel pig haulers go by and you get the true picture of fresh air in NC.  I say that jokingly because it really was a very nice day.  Now comes the visit with the Lemonds.  Absolutely fantastic.  After a shower and dressed comfortably, it was time for Manhattans.  I made one for Susan and myself and David had some wine and we caught up on all the happenings since I had last seen them at the beach on Emerald Isle in July.  The neighbors, Tom and Liani came over bearing steaks that Dave had hand picked that day and Tom cooked.  We had a great evening and the wine flowed profusely.  I have now decided to end my journey and stay with the Lemonds for 40 days.  They seem to be as of yet unaware of my decision but I'm not sure that is correct.  After I mentioned how much I enjoyed his hospitality and especially the wine, David mentioned something about having to visit a sick aunt who had been a teacher at East Alabama A & M.  So, as all good things have to come to an end, I think I will be on the road tomorrow heading for Harlan Kentucky.  I hope y'all had as good a day as mine and I hope my next 44 are as good as the first.

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