Thursday, August 30, 2012

Trip Preparation


 One more day closer to departure.  Planning complete now it a matter of getting the show on the road.  Took some pictures of the bike and trailer.  They are ready to go.  I'm not so sure about the rider.  I did buy a gel seat cover for this years trip.  I've been praying to whoever will listen, for good weather along the route.  However, I haven't discarded my rain suit.

I'm looking forward to the trip.  All travel is on secondary or back roads so I can see the real America and not the interstate America.  I hope I'll run into Obama performing on a shovel ready job but more likely I'll see him at a golf course or in Chic-fil-et stuffing his face.  Just a little jab because I'm waiting to hear Mit's acceptance speech and he just makes Obama look like a rookie. 
I have spent the past month researching what I should see of interest along my route.  It's sometimes difficult deciding what to and what not to see because of time/distance restraints.  I managed to find four military bases along my route that have visiting officers quarters.  I have stayed at Cherry Point a number of times and their rooms are far superior to the Holiday Inn  and they are $39 dollars a night with no tax as compared to $110 to $120 plus tax at the Holiday Inn.  I'll bet you can guess where I'll be staying those four nights.  I'm starting to get antsy and want to get on the road.  Tuesday will be here shortly.

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