Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Nasty Day

15 May, 2011

It wasn't much of a day for picture taking or sightseeing. It started drizzling as I was departing Bathurst and within an hour it was steady rain. Luckily there were no downpours but the rain and temp of 46 degrees with lots of wind off the water continued for the 200 miles I rode yesterday. My plan was to stay along the coast the entire way and I did but never wanted to stop and get off the bike to enjoy the sights. Had it been sunny and a little warmer it would have been a beautiful run. I did stop for pictures of one site. I spotted this church as I was passing by and did a U-turn and came back. I thought the Outhouse sitting next to the church added to the picture. So far the roads in New Brunswick have been pretty good. There must have been something going on back where I came from because all the traffic was going the opposite way. Maybe they had heard that "KAMIKAZE TOZZI" was on the highway and they were steering clear. The 18 wheelers don't care that you're there though. Nothing like approaching a large puddle in the road at the same time as one of these big rigs. They always win and at 55 or 60 mph it feels like falling off water ski's.

I must have really P O'ed the weather gods because the weather guessers are least three more days of this. I certainly am earning my merit badge for wind and rain driving.

1 comment:

  1. Did you see if the outhouse was functional...or just a novelty? Sorry for the bad weather, but I'd rather get the crappy weather out of the way and have good weather for the end of the trip.
